Given that marrying the wrong person is about the single easiest and costliest mistake any of us can make (and one which places an enormous burden on the state, employers and the next generation), it is extraordinary , and almost criminal, that the issue of marrying intelligently is not more systematically addressed at a national and personal level, as road safety or smoking are. The Philosophers' Mail makes this provocative or utterly sensible, depending on your point of view statement in a discus sion on `Why we Marry Wrong.' The reasons are under pithy sub-heads like `We don't understand ourselves', `We don't understand other people', `Being single is so awful', `Instinct has too much prestige', and `We want to freeze happiness,' but are elaborated on, along with evidence of bad decision-making in marriage images of couples like Prince Charles and Diana, Woody Allen and Diane Keaton in Annie Hall, and Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio.
“The time has come for a third kind of marriage,“ says the Mail. “The marriage of psychology. One where one doesn't marry for land, or for `the feeling' alone, but only when `the feeling' has been properly submitted to examination and brought under the aegis of a mature awareness of one's own and the other's psychology .“
Contents from around the world which are serious, weird, educational, satirical, hilarious or purely for your information and imagination. The happenings or pictures are not in any specific chronological order and has been collected from various sources. How World Travels is an initiative by (virtual space identity of Deep Banerjee). Click on the pictures to view larger versions of the same.
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