Sunday 19 October 2014

Why we marry wrong

Given that marrying the wrong person is about the single easiest ­ and costliest ­ mistake any of us can make (and one which places an enormous burden on the state, employers and the next generation), it is extraordinary , and almost criminal, that the issue of marrying intelligently is not more systematically addressed at a national and personal level, as road safety or smoking are. The Philosophers' Mail makes this provocative ­ or utterly sensible, depending on your point of view ­ statement in a discus sion on `Why we Marry Wrong.' The reasons are under pithy sub-heads like `We don't understand ourselves', `We don't understand other people', `Being single is so awful', `Instinct has too much prestige', and `We want to freeze happiness,' but are elaborated on, along with evidence of bad decision-making in marriage ­ images of couples like Prince Charles and Diana, Woody Allen and Diane Keaton in Annie Hall, and Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio.

“The time has come for a third kind of marriage,“ says the Mail. “The marriage of psychology. One where one doesn't marry for land, or for `the feeling' alone, but only when `the feeling' has been properly submitted to examination and brought under the aegis of a mature awareness of one's own and the other's psychology .“


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