Monday 1 December 2014

Joys of stumbling onto Indian style loos in foreign realms

Having lived in New York for a very long time I am sometimes accused of having changed, that I am not as `Indian' as I used to be. And I admit I have changed, just not that much.

Last week I flew from New Delhi to New York via Kuwait.

This was not my stopover of choice, I flew the cheapest deal i could find which was Kuwait Airways. Like anyone escaping India I looked forward to some light duty free shopping in Kuwait City . I had visions of an airport all gold and shiny , built to entice the most frugal traveller into spending all of her USD. Unlike India, Kuwait is an oil-rich nation and so I imagined its airport would reflect this. I was expecting First World, what I got was Banana Republic.

First of all the smoking room, where all the leprous smokers are sequestered, had no door which meant that the entire concourse area was essentially one big smoking zone. People were smoking wherever they chose like it was 1984. After taking this in I went in search of the café which turned out to be a depressing place that looked like it had been designed by the same guy who decorated the employee (not executive) dining hall at Bharat Heavy Industrial Gizmos and Gadgets and where an angry attendant hand ed me a disgusting looking sandwich and something that may have been coleslaw. The café also featured an `Indian Style' loo, complete with soaking wet toilet paper. This is worse than us, I thought as I ran out praying I could hold until I was back on the aircraft.

Eventually they called my flight and as the plane taxied towards its take-off position the flight attendant began his safety pitch. After accurately demonstrating how to handle a seatbelt he discovered he did not have the oxygen mask prop.Cool as a cucumber he ignored the entire segment leaving us pretty much to our own devices as far as breathing went should the cabin pressure actually change.He then moved on to the life-vest piece of the programme. This featured a lifevest that horrifyingly came in two pieces, and he spent most of his time holding those two bits together rather than explaining how to use the damn thing in the unlikely event that we would need to disgorge ourselves into the Atlantic Ocean.

That is when I realised I was still 100% desi. I am never truly happy with my lot in life unless I am able to witness someone else make a complete shit-show of their own. Extrapolate that feeling to an entire country, or at least its aviation system, and watch me glow with Indian pride.

(This is a true story by Radhika Vaz. Courtesy: Times of India)

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