Sunday 10 March 2019

Russia introduced bill in March 2019 to punish anybody insulting the state

Russia introduced a bill (in early March 2019) that will involve punishing anybody who 'insults' the state.

Good decision. India too needs a similar bill.

Insulting the country shouldn't be allowed under any circumstances. Any such incidence by an individual or by a group (how big or small the size might be) should be nipped in the bud.

Such incidences & the importance of handling those can be appreciated by a seasoned sales/ marketing professional.

With incidence of 1 or 2 worms in a bar of chocolate priced at Rs.15, the entire management of a MNC started jumping as if they had ants in their pants.
The company did not allow the situation to spin out of control.

When it's the 'izzat' of a nation is concerned, things need to be controlled with with stern actions.

Being featured in the national TV of an enemy nation for the wrong reason shouldn't be tolerated.
Flying over to an enemy nation to have parleys with their leadership and earn a few brownie points should be dealt with firmness!

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